How To Make A Sale By Scanning The Product Barcode

How to make a new sale by Scanning:

  1. Open the Shopkite Merchant app
  2. The “Sales” page has two options; “Tap here to search for a product” or “Tap here to scan product barcode”
  3. Tap on “Tap here to scan product barcode”
  4.  Tap “On Flash” to make scanning easier (optional)
  5.  Hold your phone over the barcode of the product you wish to sell and wait for it to scan
  6.  Tap on the scanned product name to increase or decrease the number of products to be sold. 
  7. Use the minus(-)sign to reduce and plus(+) sign to add. Then Tap “ok”
  8. Tap on “Scan” if you wish to add more products to the list, if not,
  9. Tap “Continue” at the bottom of the page
  10. Choose the Payment Type; Cash, Transfer, POS or USSD
  11.  Tap “Continue”

      You have successfully sold a product!

       Repeat the process to sell more.